15 Things You Could Give Up to be Happy

Have you ever watched someone smile, take everything in, and wonder, “Why can’t I be that happy?”

They aren’t holding the keys to happiness all to themselves, my sweet friend. It’s out there for whoever wants to take hold of it, take charge of their life, change habits that keep them stuck, and work to better themselves on a daily basis.

“Happiness isn’t something that depends on our surroundings…It’s something we make inside ourselves.” – Corrie Ten Boom

I’m not sure about you, but when I think of happiness, I think of contentment, inner joy and peace, that no outside force can disrupt. Not necessarily winning the lottery type happy, but an inner feeling that lasts much longer because we don’t base it on our surroundings.

Notice the title of this post? I said could, not should. Because we tell ourselves all the time we should do this or that, but do we do it?

Instead of putting the pressure on ourselves by using the word, should, change that word out for could. Yep. Simple switch. It makes a huge difference in our daily habits, and what we choose to do, versus what we think we should be doing, but don’t make time for.

These are from my journal, so watch this…

I should love myself exactly as I am.

I should care for my body by eating healthy.

I should work out daily.

I should tell my kids they are wonderful and love daily.

I should make my husband feel safe and loved daily.

I should give up my sugar addiction.

Now when I flip that one simple word, to could, it changes something in my brain to allow myself to make it a priority, if I really wanted to.

If I really wanted to, I could love myself exactly as I am.

If I really wanted to, I could care for my body by eating healthy.

If I really wanted to, I could work out daily.

If I really wanted to, I could tell my kids they are wonderful and loved daily.

If I really wanted to, I could make my husband feel safe and loved daily.

If I really wanted to, I could give up my sugar addiction.

See how it changes things?

Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down what you tell yourself you “should” do, then switch the script and allow yourself to process it in a way like above, with “If I really wanted to, I could…”

How did that little journaling exercise feel for you?

I’d like to share a little list with you, especially if you’re having trouble deciding on what you “should” or “could” give up to allow yourself to be happy.
  1. We could give up our need to always be right, and really listen to the other person.
  2. We could give up our need for control, and allow others to take things off our shoulders, even if they don’t do it the way we want. (like folding towels a certain way…my kids have a story there! HA!)
  3. We could give up our need to blame others, and accept a reality and move forward.
  4. We could give up our self-sabotaging thoughts, and realize we are absolutely amazing.
  5. We could give up our limiting beliefs that keep us stuck.
  6. We could give up on complaining and be grateful.
  7. We could give up criticizing others and focus on improving ourselves.
  8. We could give up the need to impress others, and be content with who we are, and love ourselves authentically.
  9. We could give up our resistance to changing things that no longer serve us.
  10. We could give up the labels that someone placed on us years ago, or recently.
  11. We could give up our fears and face them head on to grow.
  12. We could give up on our excuses and just rock our goals.
  13. We could give up on the pain of our past and focus on our future.
  14. We could give up addictions that have us held down.
  15. We could give up living our lives in a way that other people expect us to.

Think about some of these things above. Do you align with a few of them? Do you feel you could give them up to create a power-FULL future for yourself?

Look up some affirmations, try a simple affirmation like, “I love and accept myself”, which will begin to redirect your old thought patterns.

You can do this. I know you can do this!

You are worthy, capable, and a very valuable person here on earth.

You may not feel appreciated, or maybe you are so overwhelmed that you just don’t know what to do next. I’ve been there, girl. It will come together, and it starts with you, and learning to love yourself. Change can be hard, especially when we have thought patterns that do not serve our very being.

I highly recommend writing in a journal every single morning. Brain dump into it. No one has to read it. Write down whatever comes into your mind, don’t worry about how to write it perfectly, just write. Allow yourself this one simple thing to get everything out of your mind, so you can switch the script and start living your best life.

Will you do one more thing for me really quick? Find a mirror, place your hands over your heart, and say out loud while looking directly into your own eyes, “I love you, and I accept you for who you are!” When you’re feeling defeated, go do this simple thing for yourself. When you feel frazzled and have a list of 20 things to get done, but just don’t have the energy to do them, go do this.

I want you to feel like the beautiful woman you truly are. If any of this has helped you in any way, reach out to me, I love hearing from new friends! You can either comment below, or post on my Facebook page.

Big hugs, beautiful lady!!

About The Author

Jamie Sossamon

Hi There! I'm Jamie, a North Carolina native, Wellness Educator, Holistic Health Coach, Wife of 20+ years, Momma to five amazing girls, that also has some big hairy audacious goals in life. Obsessed with: coffee, T-Tapp, mystery novels, and helping people reach their goals and find their true purpose in life.

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