Timing Can Be Everything

I believe that we all fulfill our purpose in life at just the right time.

You may be feeling stuck lately, like what in the world am I supposed to be doing in this life? But, sweet friend, you’re not alone. My husband, just the other day, said to me, I still don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my life. My response was simple, just keep going, you’ll find it.

The world pushes us in all sorts of directions. Our homes need constant upkeep, our children and fur-babies need constant attention and love, oh and that dinner thing too (LOL), and then we have friends we love that are going through a hard time and need our support, work stuff, gahhh, the list can go on and on.

I’m going to try to keep this short today, but I’d like to encourage you to do a little exercise, no, not sweat, although looking at all aspects of your life might make you sweat! HA! But I’d like you to grab a paper and a pen. I’ll wait.

Ok, got it? Good.

Now, write down your paper these words, and give a few lines between them, so you can write between them on each topic in a few minutes…








Alright, those right there are 7 keys to get started on balancing your life, without feeling like the plates are all spinning out of control.

Let’s start with Faith. I personally am a total God’s Girl. So for this, I wrote under mine, “morning prayer and devotion; be God’s Light & Love extended” So, wherever you are in your spiritual journey, write at least two things you want to do daily to grow your spiritual life.

Now, Feeling. This one can be difficult to tackle each day, because emotions overtake us in each moment, ya know? BUT, I’d like you to write what you WANT to feel here. Dig deep, what do you truly desire to feel like every day?

Next up is your Family! What can you do to focus on strengthening your family? I know housework isn’t super fun, but you can make it fun by thinking of it as blessing your family when you do it. I call mine my “Home Blessing,” because I want to bless my home and all of the ones living in it! Also, think about what you can do together weekly or monthly that will bring you closer together, too.

Here’s mine…to give you an idea.

Alright alright alright, now is Fitness. YOU matter. Your health matters. If you don’t take care of that body you have, you’re probably going to regret it. Now, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do this currently. We are ALL starting from where we are RIGHT NOW. So, if you have a lot of weight to lose, DO NOT get angry with yourself. Love yourself, give yourself a little grace and mercy. Things didn’t happen over night… and it takes small daily actions to get to where you want to be. Even if you start with 5 minutes a day doing some kind of physical movement, walking, riding your bike, going to the gym (don’t overdo it!!), or, if you’re a T-Tapp fan like me, you could rock out the Basic Workout Plus in 15 minutes, and boom, fitness is done. So just write where you want to start now in your fitness journey.

This one is FUN to me, but Field is actually your Career and/or your Business. You love your work, right?? So write two things you can do each day for this area that will help you grow into a better worker or business owner. My favorite thing to do in my business is hand write a thank you note to my new clients, it warms my heart doing this small practice of gratitude and love, and I pray it brings a smile to their face, because I don’t know about you, but most of the time I get junk mail in my mailbox! LOL

Now is Friends. I was just talking to one of my best friends last night, when we had them over for dinner. We haven’t seen them in months, just because LIFE has taken us over! But sometimes, you have to plan to see friends to keep growing that connection, maybe it’s once a month, maybe it’s weekly on Taco Tuesday, your choice. Just make time for your friends too, even though you’re super busy with other aspects.

Next up is Fun. What is at least one thing you can do to bring a little FUN in your life? Write even one thing here that would bring JOY to your heart, with laughter, love, memories being created, ahhh, fun IS FUN!

Bottom line here is, write your intentions to create the life you desire, and as you are moving and grooving in life with rockin’ these 7 areas of your life, you WILL find your true purpose and calling, I just know it.

YOU deserve to have a great life, you really do.

Things may be difficult at times, believe me, I get that! But we have to take a little time to get back to it and focus on what we truly desire in life, and to be the best version of ourselves possible.

I love you, sweet friend, and I wish you many blessings in life!!

About The Author

Jamie Sossamon

Hi There! I'm Jamie, a North Carolina native, Wellness Educator, Holistic Health Coach, Wife of 20+ years, Momma to five amazing girls, that also has some big hairy audacious goals in life. Obsessed with: coffee, T-Tapp, mystery novels, and helping people reach their goals and find their true purpose in life.


  1. Love this idea!

    1. After you do this and rock it, will you go share it on your Facebook to inspire others? I’d love for you to tag me on there so I can see it too!! (@rebootwithjamie) XO Jamie

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