Breaking Bad…Habits, of course

Do you ever say to yourself, “Yeah, that’s just how I am, things will never change.”?

Do you want to get healthier, but are confused as to where to start because there’s millions of “diets” out there, and you’re tired of failing?

Are you addicted to sweet or savory snacks, and just can’t stop grabbing them at the store, even when you go with a list and they’re not on it??

What if I told you there was a way to break your sugar addiction, and quit the late night cravings?

Think it’s too good to be true? It’s totally not.

I have some simple tricks you can add in to your day to break up with sugar once and for all.

It starts with adding in more things that are good for you, and that slowly removes, or crowds out the bad things, without feeling deprived.


So let’s start with adding in some sweet vegetables, if you crave sweets.
  • butternut squash
  • acorn squash
  • kabocha squash
  • carrots
  • onions
  • beets
  • sweet potatoes

There’s a list of just a few sweet vegetables to start eating during the week to crowd out the bad sweets you crave. And when you add in the sweet veggies, your taste buds send a signal to the brain that says, “heyyyy, we’re getting something sweet, and it’s delicious!” which then boosts the level of serotonin in the brain, and your body gets to feeling like it got its sweet addiction, yet your cells are being nourished versus poisoned from the sugar loading.

But guess what?

These veggies above have another effect on your being, too. Some of them are called root vegetables, which means they are going to have a grounding effect on you due to the energy of the food! Root vegetables actually help improve our digestive ability, and intestines.

Food energetics is a real thing, y’all.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “you are what you eat.” But now it has a whole new meaning for you, doesn’t it?

Look at food, and how it grows, lives, or thrives in nature. You will naturally be drawn to certain whole foods due to their life force in the earth. Your body wants, and craves, to thrive, so pick a few new whole foods to add in each week.

Don’t focus too much on adding in so many per day, that can be daunting for some people to add that much to their plates and palates, causing their pocketbooks to thin. Remember, whole foods usually go bad in 4-5 days, because it was a living, thriving organism before it was plucked from the earth to your plate. These were thriving, which help you thrive in life, as well!

Small, manageable steps to better health are best for our being, especially when our bodies have been put through the ringer with crappy, processed foods.

Now, let’s talk about these late night cravings.

Do you find yourself stressed and eating more at night? This can get pretty bad, even for me, when my stress level is raised, or am so overwhelmed, that I seek comfort in junk food during the day, and worse, late at night.

Something I’ve done, when I have a craving, I grab a whole food version of food that is similar in nature, well, mostly.

So I want a candy bar. I grab a banana, or some Greek yogurt with sliced almonds, or even cottage cheese with peaches. Yum!

The point is to redirect your mind when having late night cravings, or if you actually are hungry, grab something that will nourish your body. You’ll get food, but also a type of food that is nourishing to your system.

Cravings happen to all of us, so you’re not alone there.

Drink a glass of water, grab a healthy snack, or even do some journaling.

Stress is no fun to have, so I’m also going to share a little practice with you to help you de-stress a little each day.

I want you to sit on the floor with your legs folded in front of you. Think criss-cross applesauce, as I tell my kids. If you can’t sit this way, no worries, sit comfortably.

Next, I want you to rest your hands gently and comfortably on your knees.

Close your eyes.

Now breathe in as you count to 5, hold it for three counts, then exhale fully, but slowly. Then repeat.

Set an 8 minute timer, then repeat til the timer goes off. If 8 minutes is just too long for you, start with four minutes. You deserve at least that from your 1,440 minutes you have each day.

So what will you add in or try this week? I would love to hear from you below!

About The Author

Jamie Sossamon

Hi There! I'm Jamie, a North Carolina native, Wellness Educator, Holistic Health Coach, Wife of 20+ years, Momma to five amazing girls, that also has some big hairy audacious goals in life. Obsessed with: coffee, T-Tapp, mystery novels, and helping people reach their goals and find their true purpose in life.

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