Foods That Give You Energy

As a mom of five, energy seems to be my most important thing. Not only to keep up with my children, but also to feel good throughout the day.

Energy is defined as the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.

It is our most valuable resource.

We make conscious and even unconscious decisions daily that either drains us of energy, or increases it.

Our primary foods, which encompass relationships, career, exercise, even our spiritual practice, can increase or decrease our energy.

Some relationships can energize us, or suck the life out of us.

The career in which we choose can help us feel fulfilled, or it can exhaust us to the point of hating to wake up and go the next day.

When we learn what fuels us, or what depletes us, and focus on doing those things that fuel us, all areas of our life will improve.

I have a free printable for you here called The Circle of Life Activity. Check it out, print it, and do it, to see where you feel you are now, and see what areas you can improve.

Today, we’re diving into secondary foods, which is what you eat and drink, that will help you increase your energy.

I truly believe that one person’s food can be another person’s poison, since even our DNA is unique to us, bio-individuality reigns supreme.

So you may find that some of the foods on this list deplete your energy, while it fuels another person, and they feel vibrant. It’s so important to find what works best for you, so listen to your body after trying these foods, to see how they make you feel.

Let’s start with what to decrease first, and then we’ll help you crowd these out and show you what you can try to increase your energy levels.

Secondary foods to decrease:

  • Chemicalized, artificial junk food
  • Processed foods
  • Refined grains
  • Conventional and/or excessive meats
  • Conventional and/or excessive dairy
  • Caffeine – yep, even this one!
  • Soft drinks (soda/pop)
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Sugar
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Trans fat

You may be thinking, but coffee energizes me.

Girl, I get it! I drink coffee on the daily!

And although it does wake me up, and give me that jolt of energy, it can tend to decrease our energy because of what it does inside our bodies.

I don’t know about you, but when I have too much coffee, it prevents me from getting good rest at night. And since rest is so important, that is a big problem.

So if you enjoy coffee, try drinking a cup less than you usually have, or cut yourself off from drinking it after 12 noon. See if that helps you to get better rest at night, thus having more energy the next day.

Now let’s jump in to the secondary foods you can increase to boost your energy levels:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Whole grains
  • Organic, high-quality animal proteins
  • Wild caught fish
  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Organic dairy (if you can tolerate this)
  • Nuts – raw is best
  • Seeds – raw is best
  • Healthy oils
  • Avocado
  • Purified, plain water

So if you could increase just one thing on the list above, what would you be willing to try this week?

When you try it, notice how it makes you feel in your stomach, in your body, and then jump back on here and tell me what you tried and what it did for you!

I love hearing from you, so let’s connect on Facebook, and if you’re ready for me to work with you one-on-one to help you balance all areas of your life, but in a slow, attainable way, hop over to schedule a chat with me today!

You’ve got this, and I will be here to support you in any way you need me.

Much love and blessings to you!

About The Author

Jamie Sossamon

Hi There! I'm Jamie, a North Carolina native, Wellness Educator, Holistic Health Coach, Wife of 20+ years, Momma to five amazing girls, that also has some big hairy audacious goals in life. Obsessed with: coffee, T-Tapp, mystery novels, and helping people reach their goals and find their true purpose in life.

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