Habits To Start Your Day Off Right

Do you find yourself being energized or dreading the day ahead when you wake up?

Your morning routine can be a powerful place to start to reclaim your days, and be productive.

We’re going to dive into some quick morning habits that will help you start your day off right, so you can rock that to do list!

I’ve started using the Reminder app on my iPhone lately. Y’all know how much I LOVE lists, but this one is keeping the little bits of papers alllll over the place away! I love it, and I still get that instant gratification of checking off something I’ve completed. Then I can show or hide completed, which I usually hide them, but when I want to see how many things I’ve rocked, I show them and feel so productive!

Let’s jump into some habits to help you reclaim your day.

Make Your Bed

I’ve been doing this one for a while now, but used to say, “what’s the point? I’m just going to get back into it later today!” Haha Well, I can tell you that that one little thing helps me to begin my day on a mentally fulfilled track, as weird as that sounds. Try it and see how if it makes you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.


Do you meditate already? I love this, and I use it to relax my mind and practice gratitude and talk to my Creator. It helps to ground me, helps me to take hold of my mind and emotions, if even for a moment, and helps me to set my intention for the day.

Meditation is so good to add in daily, even for a few minutes to just calm your mind, focus on being grateful, and with that freshly made bed, you can just sit on top of your covers, and woosah for a brief amount of time to focus on self-love, gratitude, prayers, and not thinking about all you have to do today.

There is an awesome app called Insight Timer, that is fabulous! I believe it’s free too, so you can set a timer or listen to a guided meditation. Check it out and let me know what you think.

You could even add a Morning Journal time to either before or after this practice, to brain dump on paper. I enjoy doing this before meditating, that way I’m not thinking about the list of stuff that’s ahead of me.


After a relaxing moment, you get a little more self-care time. Shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, fix your hair, dress to shoes, basically all the things to make you feel good about yourself. Putting an effort into looking good always boosts self-confidence!

You can then wipe down any mess you made in there, and grab your dirty laundry, that way you’re also taking steps to keep your home in order. Head straight to the laundry sorter and go ahead and start a load. Aren’t you so thankful we don’t have to hand wash our clothes anymore? I love that it takes less than 5 minutes to start a load of laundry and it does all the hard work for me. We are blessed, y’all.

Drink Water

Hydration is so important. It can make a huge difference in your health, and even your weight. So if you are looking to lose a few pounds, drinking water may be the key to jump-starting your weight loss. I usually guide my clients in drinking half their weight in ounces per day. So if you weigh 180 pounds, you could shoot for 90 ounces of purified water per day. If that seems like a lot to you, start small, especially if you are not a water drinker already.

If you don’t already have a BPA free water bottle, this one is really awesome. I have at least three of them, and love the straw to grab quick sips throughout my day.

Mindful Movement

After hydrating, do a quick exercise to jump start your blood flow. My favorite one to do is called Hoe Downs. It sounds funny, but hear me out! These literally take 2-3 minutes, and if you do these properly twice a day for 30 days, you could lose a pant size in just 30 days!

I actually have a 30 Day Hoe Down Challenge group on Facebook, if you want to join me and do them daily! I usually go live in the evening and do them with you 🙂

Quick Healthy Breakfast

I am not a breakfast person. You’re probably going to freak out at that, but that’s ok. I just don’t feel breakfast is for everyone!

When I eat a big breakfast, I’m bloated and feel yucky all day long.

So instead, I love whipping up a quick smoothie with greens, water, 2-3 fruits, and ground flaxseed or hemp. It’s delicious and nutritious, and it helps me feel light, but satisfied.

Rock Your To Do List

So earlier, I mentioned the Reminders app for my personal to do list. You may like that one too, or you may be the type of person to need to see it on paper and physically cross a line through it or give it a check mark. Either way will work, and help you take control of your days, and become productive.

Don’t have a to do list? Do you just go through your day and say, “oh man, what was I supposed to do today?” this will totally help you!

I like having mine on my phone, so when I think of something, I just type it in on my app and click done to save it, and then get to it later. It really helps me to focus on what I can do in the now, and what I can do later.

Did you learn any new tips and tricks to help you rock your day? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below, or over on my Facebook page!

Be blessed, gorgeous, and I’m raising my coffee cup now to say cheers! You’ve got this!

About The Author

Jamie Sossamon

Hi There! I'm Jamie, a North Carolina native, Wellness Educator, Holistic Health Coach, Wife of 20+ years, Momma to five amazing girls, that also has some big hairy audacious goals in life. Obsessed with: coffee, T-Tapp, mystery novels, and helping people reach their goals and find their true purpose in life.

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