When the Crazy Kicks In

We all know what I’m talking about. Things are in an uproar, you have 17 things to do today, you were supposed to be somewhere 15 minutes ago, and you have something else on your mind weighing you down that you just can’t shake.

It seems like sometimes we just need a pause button for life, am I right?

We could use it to pause our children from growing up. We could use it to pause an argument or gain clarity on a trying situation. We could use it to just be.

There is something so powerful about that…to just be.

We don’t always take time for ourselves, and I’m not exactly sure why. Are we pressured as a society to just go, go, go, and do, do, do?

Do we guilt ourselves for taking time out for ourselves because it feels selfish, and we know we have to do x, y and z today, and well, we’re just gonna have to wait because there’s not enough time in the day?

It’s got to stop. The insanity of crazy has to stop if we want our lives to flourish.

Wake up before the kids wake up. Grab your morning tea or coffee, and just be. I do my best to just be me while chatting with God in the mornings. I gain so much clarity when I listen instead of talk.

It’s truly an insanity buster, even if it’s just for 15 minutes, before the baby eats the dog food.

There’s this lady that I heard of a while back, called The FlyLady. Have you heard of her? Oh my goodness, she’s like an angel on earth, seriously. I remember when chaos was surrounding me, and then it disappeared because I followed her methods! She tells us, “you can do anything for just 15 minutes.” And she’s so right! Even if you have to set that timer to have 15 minutes alone and in quiet, do it. You are worth it. You deserve it. LOVE yourself enough to plan that time for yourself and let nothing stop you.

Will you do that? Will you take my challenge starting today and carve out just 15 minutes for yourself? Even if it’s not before the kids wake up, plan it for some time in the day. They have this awesome thing called Netflix, and VeggieTales is the bomb diggity y’all. Just sayin’.

Point is, make yourself a priority, just like you’d put the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping someone else. Don’t allow anyone or anything to stop your special time for rejuvenation. Think of it as a recharge before the crazy kicks in.

15 minutes. That’s all I’m suggesting here. Meditate. Journal. Sing. Relax. Focus on YOU for just 15 minutes.

Everything else will still be there after your daily ritual of spending just 15 minutes doing some self-care, I promise.

Hop on over to my Facebook Page, or leave me a comment below to let me know if you’re in. We can hold each other accountable!

Raising my coffee cup… CHEERS to a fabulous day!!

About The Author

Jamie Sossamon

Hi There! I'm Jamie, a North Carolina native, Wellness Educator, Holistic Health Coach, Wife of 20+ years, Momma to five amazing girls, that also has some big hairy audacious goals in life. Obsessed with: coffee, T-Tapp, mystery novels, and helping people reach their goals and find their true purpose in life.

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